Searching Books are Easy Now!

3 min readJul 11, 2019
VidyaWell — Library Management System

Library is the place where fresh ideas are generated and it is often the knowledge hub or sanctum of a school. The job of keeping books well-organized isn’t as easy as it seems. While a librarian never denies a helping hand it is a fact that he or she has to do many tasks simultaneously. School Management Software provides an innovative module for managing library-related managerial tasks! In short, it serves as your online librarian.

What is Library Management System?

What is Library Management System?

Library management is a cloud-based system which works efficiently to organize all library-related records. It is a platform to manage all the processes, right from issuing the book to fines for late returns etc. It is integrated with the School ERP System to manage all related functions.

What is the need for Library Management Module?

1. Digital record of all books:

Through Library Management System the school staff can keep the record of all the books in the library along with their price, publisher, and binding.

2. Advanced book and Search Location:

Library Management Software proves to be of great help in finding the location of the books, i.e. where it is placed in the library. It talks about the exact location i.e. in which rack, desk, and rows the book is placed. With this, the librarian can easily find out the location of books by entering the name of any book.

3. Book issue and receipt:

Maintaining entries in the library i.e. about the date of issue and date of return is one of the prime tasks in library management. Through Library Management software the school can easily keep the record of every book issued, its return date, and details of the students who issued it.

4. Fines

There are times when students forget to return books, lose it or the pages get torn. In this case, the student is responsible for paying the fine. Through Library Management Software, a fine receipt is automatically generated if any of the above conditions occur.

5. Book-status tracking:

Through the library management system, books can easily be tracked and status could be known whether it has been issued by anyone or when is the return date of the book, etc. This reduces book loss and also a responsible person or student could be contacted via records.

BSN Infotech has designed a technology-Integrated Smart School Management Software and Mobile App “Vidyawell” which is an all-in-one solution for all school-related management. It is a four-way communication tool connecting school, parent, teacher, and student.

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