VidyaWell — Attendance Management System

2 min readMar 2, 2019

Why is there need for an online school/college attendance management system?

VidyaWell — Attendance Management System


1. Speed and Accuracy

Your school management software eliminates the need for manual attendance. Students can simply log on to the attendance using the online system and thus save teachers extra effort and time that would usually go into marking attendance. It avoids incorrect data entry, duplication and helps reduce paperwork.

2. Improves Punctuality

Using an online attendance software ensures that the arrival time of each student is accurately recorded so that the school can monitor late-comers and teach students the importance of punctuality.

3. Automatic Report Generation

Using a student attendance management system ensures that reports are created at the click of a button. School authorities can also access summaries, trend reports related to attendance records.

4. Alerts to Parents

The system makes it easy for parents to get automatic alerts of days that their students are not in class. it is easier than ever for parents to stay updated on their child’s daily school attendance. It also helps parents to stay updated of the number of classes missed by their ward.

5. Staff Attendance Management

The attendance management system can also be used to track the attendance of the teachers and the various staff. It also allows for easy calculation of leaves and tracks working days and hours with ease and accuracy.

Vidya Well — School Management Software

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